
Tenant Engagement

In enhancing unitholder value over the medium to long term, API recognizes that it is necessary to continue to be selected by tenants and that improving tenant satisfaction is essential. We also promote collaboration with tenants in each of our ESG initiatives.

1. Satisfaction Survey

API makes effort to improve tenant satisfaction, regularly conducting survey towards tenants in offices and a part of commercial properties to understand their needs and complaints.

2. Tenant Awards / Customer Service Competition

Three times a year, we award a commercial tenant with the best tenant prize to with an aim to encourage operations of all the tenants and to raise employee motivations. Customer service competition and training are also organized with objective to further raise the level of the customer service of tenant’s staff and therefore increase customer satisfaction.

Tenant Awards / Customer Service Competition

3. Effort to Advance Health and Wellness

We regularly implement renovation works at common area to provide our tenants with comfort working space, which reflects the results of tenant satisfaction survey and discussion with property managers.

4. Sustainability Guide

API prepares and distributes a guide named "Sustainable Information" to tenants who move into API’s offices. In addition to inviting tenants to participate in local events and disaster drills, the guide recommends ESG-conscious materials and equipment for renovations and layout changes in tenants' areas, actively promoting collaboration with tenants on environmental and social issues.
In addition, considering the health and comfort of workers, TRM introduces its anti-covid measures, as well as various ESG initiatives of API and TRM.
API will continue to make various efforts together with its tenants to realize a sustainable society.

5. Green Lease Agreement

For the detail of the Green Lease and Green Clause in lease agreements, please refer to “Green Lease Agreement” in Initiatives to Reduce Environmental Impact.

Supplier Engagement

We recognize the importance of collaboration with investors and other stakeholders in implementing our Sustainability Policy more specifically and dealing appropriately with environmental and social issues throughout our supply chains. TRM has the “Basic Policy on Sustainable Procurement” in place for business activities across its supply chains. This policy clarifies to suppliers our commitment to embracing environmental and social standards and strictly observing relevant laws in making procurements and other transactions in general, including those with property management companies related to API. The aim is to improve relevant initiatives through mutual understanding and collaboration with suppliers.

1. Collaboration with Property Managers

ESG trainings to property managers

We work to foster a culture that ESG initiatives are to be taken by our entire supply chain, not limited to the officer and employees of TRM. To that end, ESG training sessions are provided to property managers.

ESG trainings co-organized by AM and PM

ESG-related clauses in property management agreement

In principle, the property management contract includes ESG-related clauses such as compliance with environmental laws and regulations.

Monitoring and evaluation of ESG initiatives of property manager

In accordance with TRM’s outsourcing and evaluation standards, the status of legal compliance, etc. is monitored and evaluated annually for all outsourced property managers in order to consider whether or not to continue the transaction.
We are also making preparations to monitor their initiatives in each area of ESG. In addition, we have introduced a system to mutually motivate each other by, for example, providing incentives for obtaining environmental certification.

PM awards

This award recognizes the outstanding performance of property management staffs contributing to upward rent revision, lease-up, contracting green lease, implementation of renovation works to reduce environmental impact, etc. We expect that this award helps to foster a unified partnership between TRM and property managers.

2. Green Procurement Standards

Under the Basic Policy on Sustainable Procurement, TRM has compiled important considerations for reducing its environmental footprint into the Green Procurement Standards and presented them to a wide base of suppliers.
For the overview of the Green Procurement Standards and an example in procurement, please refer to 2. Green Procurement Standards in “Initiatives to Reduce Environmental Impact”.

Contribution to the Local Communities

API and TRM believe that contribution to local communities lead to the improvement in value of the APIʼs owned properties and ultimately in the unitholder value. We make a variety of efforts in the owned properties to enhance communication with the local communities with an expectation that our business operation serves an important role for the society.

1. Measures Taken in the Owned Properties

Tokyu Plaza Omotesando “Omokado”

In the “Forest of Omohara” at the rooftop terrace of Tokyu Plaza Omotesando “Omokado”, we set a water fountain for birds and created an environment comfortable for them and other living creatures. A variety of experiences are proposed to local communities including an installation of bird houses hand-crafted by kids from a neighborhood elementary school and vegetable harvest experience by a group of kindergarten children.

Tokyu Plaza Omotesando Omokado

Tokyu Plaza Omotesando Omokado

DECKS Tokyo Beach

We created a playground for kids in the floor for children’s wear and products, and installed furniture and green area on the Seaside Deck, offering visitors from inside and outside of Japan a refreshing space.

DECKS Tokyo Beach

DECKS Tokyo Beach

Shiodome Building

We create a community in the area through participation to the local events. Vacant spaces of the property are offered to the “HAMASITE Summer Festival”, a traditional summer event, which is joined by various stakeholders in the area including residents, workers, tenants, PM and BM (building managers), etc.

Shiodome Building

Installation of shared cycle spots

We provide space for “LUUP”, a next-generation electric bicycle sharing service, at several of API's properties to support the spread of sustainable transportation.

Installation of shared cycle spots

2. Participation to Clean-Up Campaign

We periodically participate in cleanups of the neighborhood’s streets organized by an NPO “Green Bird”. Through the cooperation with the residents and workers in the Shibuya area, we are working to contribute to the local community.

Participation to Clean-Up Campaign

3. Preparation for Disasters

In the owned properties of API, we hold disaster drills to test rapid response under emergency and implement BCP-purposed renovation works, installation of flood barriers and tide barriers, and other measures. The properties are equipped with AEDs (Automated External Defibrillator), other emergency supplies, and fixtures.

Preparation for Disasters

Preparation for Disasters

Preparation for Disasters

4. Donation through Regional Revitalization Support Tax System

As part of the effort to the “contribution to local communities” that TRM shares with API as one of its Materiality, it made donations to Hokkaido Prefecture and Kyoto City utilizing the regional revitalization support tax payment system. Through donations, we expect to further strengthen relationship between TRM, API and the communities, and advance our contribution to them.

Employee Engagement

API, as a J-REIT, is prohibited from having employees as stipulated under the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporation of Japan and entrusts its asset management operation to TRM.

1. Basic Policy on Human Resource Strategy

“Human capital management” in the Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group refers to the act of working towards the sustained improvement of value by formulating and executing human capital strategies linked to management strategies. The Group aims to “become a corporate group that continues to create value” and “realize a future where everyone can be themselves and shine vigorously” by making aggressive investments based on the perception that the knowledge, skills and ambition of its approximately 30,000 employees spread over 100 companies constitute “human capital.”
With view towards realizing our ideal vision, the Group has espoused “aiming to achieve sustainable social development and growth with all of its employees possessing a challenge-oriented DNA and sense of purpose in engaging society” as its human capital philosophy. Based on that, the Group is pursuing the following three human capital strategies: “developing human resources who create value,” “developing organizations with diversity and a sense of unity” and “enhancing motivation to work and ease of working.” The first of these strategies, “developing human capitals who create value,” constitutes the Group’s policy on human capital development based on the Group philosophy and its management strategies.
While sharing the sponsor group's basic policy on human resources, TRM as a professional group in real estate management, recognizes the importance of developing and nurturing human resources in order to provide high-quality real estate investment management services and maximize unitholder value. Based on such recognition, we will promote human capital management with the goal of becoming the “Company of Choice No.1”.

2. Recruitment Website

TRM launched in the company’s website a career page (only in Japanese) to attract candidates by broadly presenting the company’s businesses, features, and culture, etc. The contents include interviews with current employees, round-table talk, career paths possible to take in the company.

3. Exchange of Human Resources with the Sponsor

TRM has implemented exchanges of human resources with its sponsor, which enable it to broaden the knowledge and experience by accepting secondments from the sponsor and group companies, and conversely, secondments from TRM to its sponsor, etc. When increasing the number of employees or filling vacancies at TRM, not only that TRM hires personnel from outside, but also it receives a supply of personnel with extensive experience in real estate sales and purchases, rental management, financial operations, etc. from the sponsor and group companies.
In addition, since the merger of asset management companies in 2017 and the increase in employees, TRM has flexibly incorporated transfers between investment corporations and departments while paying utmost attention to the investment corporation wall, thereby supporting the career development of its employees.

4. Exchange with University Students

API and TRM participated in 2019 in the IR presentation competition organized by USIC, a university studentsʼ investment union and provided them with an opportunity to learn. The sponsor organizes intern programs and creates opportunities to communicate with students. TRM is not hiring directly new graduates, though those from the sponsor are seconded to TRM. Through such efforts, we will continue to work to retain talented employees and activate our organization.


5. Employee Skill Development

As a group of experts in real estate management, TRM supports the acquisition of qualifications by employees to promote the companyʼs high quality and better investment management. Throughout the year, we provide them with wide variety of training systems to maintain their professional knowledge updated and ensure compliance with recent regulatory requirements and offers self-learning menus. We have a recruitment strategy to hire candidates with varied experiences in order to activate our organization and boost up the level of employees.

Support for acquiring business related qualifications

TRM supports its all employees (excluding temporary staff) to acquire of necessary qualifications in various measures including financial aid for examination fees and class fees. For the employee qualifications, please refer to “Commitment to Society” of TRM’s website.

Training programs by external organizations

In partnership with external organizations, several programs are provided to TRM’s employees including continued training on asset management operations and legal compliance, as well as management training provided GLOBIS, one of the largest business schools in Japan, business skill system learning, English conversation lessons, etc.

Examples of programs by external organizations
Position-based trainings Management training for senior management and medium-level employees
Trainings for all-levels employees
*all employees excluding temporary staff
Trainings on communication, business skills, PC skills, business English conversation lessons

Performance Evaluation Process

TRM has regular evaluation opportunities with employees including one-on-one session with the direct supervisor and review staff’s performance based on the objective of career development set by each. We encourage each staff to have their own career plan and to acquire skills that are competent inside and outside of the company.
ESG-related efforts and relevant items are included in the annual target to set, and the process they took to achieve outcome and their performances in operations including ESG-related aspects are assessed as same as others, and the assessment results of personal performances are linked to the treatment they will receive such as grade, position and salary in the following year.

6. For Work-life Balance & Health of Employees

TRM is making continuous effort to have various systems to form a working environment and organization enabling to realize and promote the health and comfort of its employees.

Work-from-home system and flex-time work system

For all employees of TRM, a work-from-home system has been introduced in response to the spread of the new coronavirus. Not only that it improves productivity by reducing commuting time, etc., but also it enables employment of employee in remote area. Employees are also allowed to use shared offices under pre-designated rules.
In addition, the flexible working hours system allows employees to work from 11:00 to 15:00 as core hours and to leave work freely outside of the core hours, thereby supporting more flexible work styles based on the various life environments of each employee.

7. Welfare Programs

TRM values all of its employees, their well-beings, and healthy performance in work, and provides them with various welfare programs to improve their satisfaction.

Cafeteria plan

TRM provides its employees (including contract employees) with financial aid for medical fees, subsidies for use of sports facilities, studying, volunteer activities, and use of the facilities Tokyu group companies operate.

Welfare programs

Various systems are in place to provide support for the employees (including contract employees) at each stage of their lives, such as maternity leaves, childcare leaves, child medical leave, nursing-care leave.
TRM supports asset formation of its permanent employees offering introductory sessions by inviting external financial planners on various topics including the defined contribution pension matching program offered by TRM and the insurance system by the Tokyu group.
A large variety of facilities of the popular exclusive resort membership “Tokyu Harvest Club” are proposed to employees to use.


Cumulative unit investment program

TRM provides its employees (including contract employees) with an opportunity to invest in the investment units of API and Comforia Residential REIT as well as the share of Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Corporation. We support to build their personal assets through offering financial incentives and encourage them to raise their consciousness of those management performance. The program should also lead to the continual growth of API and enhancement of APIʼs unitholder value.

For more information including the key data on the employees of TRM, please refer to “Commitment to Society” in TRM’s website.

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